Current Projects
What we are trying to do
There are so many projects that we wish we could undertake for the people in Afghanistan, but can only afford to fund some of them, and this is where you can help. Below is a list of projects that we want to be able to complete this year! Take the time to read through and see if you can find any amount to donate to those that need your help in Afghanistan.
Wells - Providing people with fresh, clean water
This year (2021) we want to build 25 wells in Afghanistan. We plan to dig 50m holes from which the wells will be made. They will have a hand pump installed as part of the wells. A 50m well costs close to $3,400 AUD.
We also would like to repair another 4 damaged wells for about $1,400 AUD each.
Help us provide the most basic of resources by giving these people fresh, clean water. Project No. 110.

Total cost = ~75,000 AUD
Number of individuals to benefit from this = 4,375
Additional Water Relief

These handwashing facilities will benefit five schools in five different villages. The schools each have wells with a pump, some of which SNI installed. SNI used to run a program to teach hand hygiene, but now it is included in the school curriculum. Washing hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and providing a clean place and water will significantly reduce infections and illness among children. The estimated cost for each school wiil be $4,500 AUD. Project No. 126-004.
Total cost = ~$22,600 AUD
Number of Children to benefit from this = ~5,000
Food Relief
One of the major ways that Shelter attempts to provide aid to those in Afghanistan is to give food and resources to people during the harshest times of the year to try and lighten the burden they face. IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) represent the largest groups of needy people.
This year (2020), through generous donations, we have been able to provide relief for:
- Food relief for 500 Chalou families in the Laghman province
- Food relief for 1,000 IDP refugee families in Kandahar
- Food relief for 350 IDP refugee families in Laghman
- Winter food relief, soap, masks and Covid-19 training in hygiene for 800 Kuchi families
- Winter clothes for 500 school children in Panjshir province
- Food relief, soap, masks and Covid-19 training in hygiene for 850 Chalou families in Kabul
- Urgent flood relief with the provision of food for 28 families in the province of Panjshir
But we still have urgent needs for:
- Food relief for 758 IDP families in Nangarhar Province (eastern Afghanistan). Project No. 240
It costs about $67 AUD per family to provide the basic food items of:
+ 50 kg of flour
+ 5 litres cooking oil
+ 3.5 kg kidney beans
+ 7 kg rice
The Chalou people are some of the most neglected and rejected in Afghanistan. Often overlooked for work and relief prospects, they are mostly left to fend for themselves.
The Kuchi peope are experts in the husbandy of sheep and goats and they take their animals around the countryside where there is pasture. But in the winter months, when it always snows, they earn very little income from their animals, so food is scarce for the Kuchi.
There are more than 3 million IDPs and refugees in Afghanistan that have been forced to leave their homes and simply wander looking for somewhere to start a new life. We don't have the power to give them their own homes back or provide them with new ones, but we do have the ability to offer them food and winter supplies to help them make it through the brutally cold winter.

Number of individuals to benefit from these projects = 33,096
Ongoing Projects

We have three projects that are being run daily, these include our Deaf Centre, our Ladies Centre and our 'Little School'. Each of which is providing a different service to those in Afghanistan, educating them and providing them with better job opportunities.
The Deaf Centre is a training and education facility for those that aren't able to go through normal training programs due to their hearing disability. The program seeks to educate and help these people get jobs and make lives for themselves, despite their disability.
We still need around $15,300 AUD to keep the Deaf Centre running this year. This will benefit all those that volunteer at as well as require the Deaf Centre to make their livelihoods. Project 105.
Our 'Little School' is a schooling program for grades 1 to 5, educating around 100 children. Keeping this program running will cost ~$49,000 AUD. Project 107.
Our Ladies Centre requires funding to keep itself running and continue to train women skills that can be used to get jobs in the hair and beauty sector. There are 8 ladies looking to be trained in providing manicures and hair dressing appointments. The women, whilst training and working at the centre bring much of the cost of running the centre, but there will be a short fall of about is $10,500 AUD this year. Assistance in keeping this worthwile project would be appreciated. Project 125.
Number of individuals to benefit from these projects = ~150
Micro-financed projects
Micro-financing is the system of providing start-up material resources to those who would otherwise be unable to obtain them. Small material loans are offered in the hope that the people who take them can use them to better their state financially in order to build themselves out of impoverishment. Each year each familywho receive medicines provides 5 lambs for a new family to create a sustainable income.
These projects include providing winter and summer medicine to 120 families who own a total of 600 sheep and 400 lambs This will cost close to $5,200 AUD for each winter and summer, and will help these flocks live through the harsh seasons of Afghanistan. Project 232
In 2020/21 we will continue to provide bees, bee hives and sugar to 5 families so that they can make their own honey and a sustainable income. We would like to provide 10 honey hives for each of 5 families this year, and this will cost ~$13,700 AUD. The families will return the hives so that SNI can pass them on to new families the following year. Project 230
As well as giving the people of Afghanistan things to help them get by, we want to give them the opportunities to grow their skills, become self-sustaining and, therefore, gain hope for their families for the future.