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Rural Development Centre - Togo

Last year Shelter provided funding to complete a 32 person accommodation building. This year we want to add to it, by constructing a multi-purpose building (30 x 12 x 12 meters) with a seating capacity for up to 300 people.

Accomodation centre Togo.jpeg


Between the accomodation building and the multi-purpose building, people can come from all over the country for short training courses, lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences . 




Training that will be provided:


  1. Maternal health welfare.

  2. Nutrition.

  3. Agricultural improvement.

  4. Income self-sufficiency for women.

  5. Counselling for conflict resolution.

  6. Life coaching for young men.





The cost for the building and outfitting is approximately A$60,000. Our dollar, provided by your generous donations, is driven further when invested in Togo. A building of this size in Australia could cost A$720,000.



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Please consider partnering with us in building a rural development centre for the people of Togo today

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