Rural Development Centre - Togo
Several years ago, Shelter provided funding to complete a 32 person accommodation building. This year we want to add to it, by adding a second floor to the building, due to increasing numbers of people coming for training who need overnight accommodation.
The cost for building the extension and outfitting it, is approximately A$150,000. Your dollar, provided by your generous donation, is making a wise investment in strengthening the community in Togo.

Two years ago, we completed the Rural Development Centre which is a multipurpose building with a seating capacity of 300 people.
Training that is provided:
Maternal health welfare.
Agricultural improvement.
Income self-sufficiency for women.
Counselling for conflict resolution.
Life coaching for young men.
Using the accomodation building and the multi-purpose building, people can come from all over the country for short training courses, lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences .

Please consider partnering with us in extending the accommodation building next to the rural development centre for the people of Togo today